Is There A God?

First of all, I want it to be very clear that all are invited to enjoy this site. Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Christians, atheists, all people that strive for love and goodness. Yes, every religion has its faults, and atheism can leave a little emptiness, we’re all just here just trying to make enough sense of things to carry on. To the science minded people like myself, I suggest finding something to believe in. I choose goodness myself, and I keep my mind very open to what could be out there. I will quote Jesus, I’m sure I’d be quoting Buddha and others if I knew more about those other religions, but I know a little about Christianity so I will talk about that the most on this website.

I am not a religious person. I flirted with Christianity years ago, because I am a believer in the lessons Jesus taught. The attached religious things that went with his teachings like the miracles and the quotes like the only way to God is through him, etc., has always made me wonder if that stuff may have been made up to make a religion, and thus a way to reach the people with his lessons. That it may have been wrapped in good intentions, but in the long run has moved people off his message and on to the religion of it, which seems to have caused many so called Christians to act in ways just the opposite of what Jesus preached.

I totally agree there could be a God, maybe nothing like we’ve been taught, but who knows, any one of these thousands of religions out there actually might have it right. I doubt it, but I don’t know, so who am I to judge when I don’t know the full truth. I do know that I do believe in something, and that something is goodness. Being good to people, to animals and to the earth means something to me. This website uses that word goodness in its title for a reason. If your God is in line with true goodness, then I am on your side. The God in the Old Testament just didn’t cut it for me. I don’t see a just God wiping out all the people including the children, and all the animals, except for select few, for the reasons given. And to think that two of every animal was even possible to find and contain, and that these animals populated the earth the way it is today, just is not really possible. The earth is over 4 billion years old, not ten thousand, and it troubles me a little to know that a lot of really intelligent people still believe in these things. A few thousand years ago, man had no idea how we got here, or why it rained, or why they didn’t keep going up when they jumped. They did the best they could at that time to teach the people. Now we know a lot, we know that we evolved from animals. We are animals ourselves, very close in DNA to the chimp. But so what? Someday if the world continues, thinking robots will know they too came from evolution. We were their God, we created them. Maybe there is a God who created us through evolution, the same way the transistor chip has progressed into a thinking robot. It evolved, we evolved, I am not saying there is no God, it wouldn’t surprise me either way.