What Has Putin Done With His Money?

Where on Earth did Putin get enough money to have so much influence on our government? Easy: the 2014 Winter Olympics held in Sochi, Russia. These winter games had a final price tag of over $50 billion – more than four times what was estimated (which itself was supposedly on the high side). It has been alleged that at least half of that cash went into kickbacks and embezzlement: over $25 billion divided between Putin and his friends. Judging by the increase in poverty in Russia, that money didn’t go to Putin’s own people… and it was more than enough to buy some favors with US elected officials and fund cyber-attacks – attacks we witnessed in the 2016 elections.

Russia has shown just how easy it is to penetrate large institutions like the Democratic National Committee headquarters – and hack into individual lawmakers’ computers, which means people can be easily blackmailed. And blackmail is what Putin is good at: finding people’s dark secrets and using them in any way that will help him. Putin is now thought to be one of the richest men alive, and history has shown how low our own politicians will sink for money and power.

One thing is for certain. Both Putin and Trump want to rule the world. And right now, they are working together – first to break the United States by causing mass distrust of our intelligence agencies, our media, our allies, and our past agreements and contracts. And whether they succeed or not in taking over the world isn’t even the scariest proposition. The question that is the most concerning to me is what happens when Trump and Putin have a falling out?

You don’t have two people like that, who both want to rule the world, let the other guy be the big man. Trump thinks he’s the man because he believes that he’s a great thinker with an exceptional memory and fantastic negotiating skills – with the most powerful country and the biggest military in his control. Putin thinks he’s the man because he is probably (no exaggeration here) at least three times as intelligent as Trump – he surely assumes that he will be in charge. Trump has a falling out with just about everyone that doesn’t worship him. And Putin has his enemies killed.

Someday, if we let Trump continue as president, we will see these two men have a falling out. The two men with enough weapons to destroy the Earth many times over will at some point be at war with each other. And then what?