Is Mother Nature Punishing Us?

Is Mother Nature punishing us? I suppose you could look at it that way. Maybe she’s fighting back, maybe it’s punishment – maybe this is just what happens when you trash the Earth. I think the universe is set up to be that way: be good and good results will usually follow. Do bad things and you’ll pay sooner or later. We need to treat this world better, now.

We need to encourage others to care about the Earth and we need to elect leaders who understand it. It’s so shameful that most Republicans who have run for president haven’t acknowledged that man and fossil fuels are causing our planet to heat up. Then again, how could they acknowledge it when their campaigns are based on receiving money from the energy industry? A fair fight this is not.

Earth will not sustain life on it much longer the way we are going. A couple hundred years; maybe less, maybe more. Hopefully, this planet will be fine to live on for another million years. Life is a wonderful gift and opportunity. And here you are. Yes, I’m talking about you: it’s time to do something. It’s time to take heed of the scientists and stop listening to those who have an interest in keeping you confused. If your elected official is accepting money from the energy industry, they are doing what’s best for them and not for you – so you need to vote them out. Personally, I think that those politicians looking the other way on climate change because they’re receiving money from oil, gas, and coal companies should be charged with crimes against humanity. That is what it is: crimes against the people.

The cost of recent storm and fire damage recovery is already astronomical. Wait and see how much it will be over the next ten years. Yet I doubt that the people profiting from global warming will be paying those bills. Instead, they will work harder to keep us divided and confused. Sadly, that hasn’t been hard to do. There are so many jobs and economic opportunities in cleaning up the planet, but Americans are constantly told that addressing climate change will be bad for our economy. No: it will be only bad for the super-rich who won’t be selling as much oil, gas, and coal.

Now, we are the only country in the world not participating in the Paris Climate Agreement. The United States is one of the most responsible for warming the planet and devastating the Earth. We have a lot of work to do on this planet and if we don’t start very soon it may be too late. We were warned this was coming, and not much was done. And now, right here in our own country – while fires and storms get bigger and more frequent, and costs grow – we sit back and let the rich people of this world run roughshod over our air and water. Just so they can grow a bank account that is already far, far bigger than they’ll ever need…

Wake up. Learn about the coral reefs dying and the fires destroying our trees – those living things that take carbon out of the air and give us oxygen. Learn about how the ice that’s melting across the world used to reflect the sun, and how the water now in its place absorbs it instead, keeping in more heat. Climate change is happening because the carbon dioxide we put into the air sits in our atmosphere and acts as a blanket, keeping heat trapped and warming the Earth too much. Don’t take my word for it – look these things up yourself. But don’t get scared; get active. If you are in a state run by Republicans, get them out of office as soon as possible. Future generations and the planet need you right now. Do what you can to change this ugly political landscape that allows money to confuse and ruin us. You and this Earth, alike, are being slowly poisoned. Enough is enough – we have work to do. Are you with me?