Mercy Mercy Me

Mercy Mercy Me – Marvin Gaye
Whoa, oh, mercy mercy me
Oh things ain’t what they used to be, no no
Where did all the blue skies go?
Poison that surrounds us now thanks to selfishness and greed

Whoa mercy, mercy me,
Oh things ain’t what they used to be, no no
Oil wasted on the oceans, plastic in our seas, fish full of mercury

Oh mercy, mercy me
Ah things ain’t what they used to be, no no
Greenhouse gases released to the sky
Cook the Earth while big business just keep on lying

Oh mercy, mercy me
Oh things ain’t what they used to be
What about this overcrowded land
How much more abuse from man can she stand?

Oh, no no, no, no
Oh no, no, no, my my, my sweet Lord

It’s time we listen to the scientists, it’s time we plant a trillion trees
It’s time to take real action, it’s time to take responsibility
Don’t just stand there on the sideline and watch it all go by
Because someone’s counting on you to bring the truth to light
Did we evolve for millions of years into what we are today
just to be a species that’s going to give it all away?
How many more floods and fires can we stand,
as we destroy our air, our oceans and our land?
The cause and solution are in black and white
Don’t let them destroy the future without a fight

If you knew that you would still be living on Earth a hundred years from now, what would you do about climate change today? Would you accept politicians taking millions to look the other way as our planet slowly burns? We have the power, the people, and the technology to turn it around – but the greed of those who always want more will cause bigger disasters, mass extinctions, and terrible suffering before humanity is wiped out. Fight greed, stand up to corruption, and vote for the planet: it’s the most important thing you can do.