Is Trump The Savior Or The Anti-Christ?

President Donald Trump speaks in Monaca, Pa., Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019, during a visit to Shell's soon-to-be completed Pennsylvania Petrochemicals Complex. The facility, which critics claim will become the largest air polluter in western Pennsylvania, is being built in an area hungry for investment. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

OK, the title is a little misleading. It’s not really something I question. The part about being our savior that is. I know that isn’t true. But the Anti-Christ? That might be a little bit of a stretch, or might not be. Right now, he probably has in his hands the power to end humanity. Maybe some animals or fish somewhere can survive a nuclear holocaust, but we will be done as a species for sure. So, let’s hope he’s not the Anti-Christ. I assume an evil man like this may want to control the world, unless that ability looks unreachable, then who really knows what someone of his mental deficiencies may do.

But if you know a little about religion, the Bible, the battle between good and evil which people of faith, philosophers, scholars, and writers have been talking about for centuries, then you may just be seeing some signs that these may be the end times. Or that there will be a big battle to come. Or both scenarios. I don’t even know if the devil is real, or if there is God, I don’t really know, and neither do you. But I do know that man is capable of destroying himself. We are doing it slowly and surely already. Basically, we are just cancer here on earth, destroying every good thing on it already. There have been so many extinctions of animal species already, thanks to man. The oceans are dying, the rivers and lakes are mostly polluted, the air is full of toxins, and the land is burning up more than ever. The list goes on. Mankind is not doing a good job. And then, Trump gets elected as president. There were many reasons why, which would be a different article, but he won because he decisively won the Christian vote. The Christians in America, in general, chose him to be president. Many of these Christians have spoken about the big battle to come, between God’s people and the rest of us. I remember some of my early day writings, where I saw this day coming, and of course, I was going to be on God’s side. The good side. But I didn’t foresee the devil (if there is one), coming straight up through the Christian church, with their blessings and rage and cheers to accompany him.

This was a man who had a trail of victims that went far and wide. He wasn’t a good businessman; he lied and cheated and filed bankruptcies or threatened to, so he could extract as much money for himself as possible. He had to get financing from other countries because he had trouble getting loans in this country. He treated women horribly and even bragged about it. He went into the dressing rooms of not only beauty pageants, but reportedly even a junior beauty pageant that he ran. And he felt he had the right to do so. He lies more than any person I, or probably you have ever seen in your entire life, and I’ve known a lot of liars. His ego is so big; he keeps saying he’s the greatest this or the best at that. One day he says he has one of the best memories ever, a few days later, he can’t recall what was said in a meeting with a key figure in the Russian investigation. One day he says some really horrible racist comments and the next, he tells a reporter that he is the least racist person whom the reporter can interview. This would be hilarious if it wasn’t real.

Was he involved with Russia, our enemy, a country being run by another horrible evil person? Of course, he was. He has lied repeatedly about his dealings with Russia, and most of his close associates have lied repeatedly about their meetings or contacts with the Russians. There have been many perplexing deals he’s had with Russians, the kind of deal where a piece of property was sold for 40 million dollars more than it was purchased a few years before and sold in a down market no less. The list is a mile long of activities that his administration has had with Russia. Everyone knows that Russia interfered in our election, and obviously will again, but Trump doesn’t want to do anything about it, not even admit it, for two reasons. One is that he was clearly involved with them, and two, his ego cannot accept the fact that he didn’t win fair and square.

If the Russian thing doesn’t bother you, I hope his attacks on the environment wakes you up. He appointed a man who had sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) many times on behalf of business interests to head the EPA. The good people have been leaving that department, and are being replaced by fossil fuel industry people. Yes, the environment, our health and the future of this planet are screwed. The end is near according to scientists; another mass extinction is not far away because of climate change. We are cooking ourselves, and if you don’t understand why, I will explain it to you in one sentence. The fossil fuels we burn send up carbon dioxide (CO2), and that accumulates in the atmosphere, acting as an insulating blanket that gets thicker and makes the earth warmer and warmer. It is that simple!

When we needed true leadership to do something about this, we instead elected a man who only cared about money. Money, wealth, wealthy men, the things Jesus warned us about over and over again. But Trump got the Christian vote. For some reason, they still support Trump even after all his lies, cover-ups, Russian connections, and attacks on the environment so that he and his friends can get even richer. It’s about the money: money is the root of almost all evil. The Christians and other conservatives who voted for him were told over and over again how liberals, or the Obamas, or the Clintons were the enemies. That we hated America, we either didn’t believe in God or hated God. That we wanted to give our country away to the poor or to people that weren’t white, the list could go on. It worked. Enough were fooled.

I have no problem calling the Christians who voted for Trump fake Christians. You cannot serve two masters, and Jesus and Donald Trump are the polar opposites in every category. I will try to wake them out of their comas because I still have hope for them. Most are good people deep down. They may call people like me evil and horrible, but that’s OK. They are trained and manipulated to think that way about people that are trying to help other people, but the right tries to shape it as something else. Christians were warned about false prophets. How on earth do they not see that this guy is false on just about everything about him? “But he’s better than Hillary,” they say. When I talk to a Christian, I often hear how Hillary was going to destroy our country, just like they said about Obama. Obama was considered by many on the right to be the worst president ever, this after following a Bush Jr. presidency filled with unjust wars, and horrible practices leading to the economic collapse of 2008. We came back pretty well, all things considered under Obama. But to many, he was the worst ever, and Hillary would have even been worse than Obama.

Why are so much hatred and venom always being spewed by these people? That one is easy. Fox news. Fox news, following the path of Rush Limbaugh, has turned our people against one another like never before. If there were a devil out there now, and it was not Donald Trump, it just might be Sean Hannity. This is a person who just constantly puts down anyone or anything that doesn’t support Donald Trump. His shows every night were about bashing Obama, or one of the Clintons, especially Hillary. No matter what they did, it was wrong, bad for the country, bad for democracy or worse. When I tuned in to his show out of curiosity after an event like the Chris Christy “Bridge-gate” scandal, I saw him instead talk almost entirely about how Obama never took responsibility for anything, with no criticism given to Christy. With other big scandals, Hannity has just shown clips of the press reporting it, mocking them and trying to twist it like the problem is the media. Lately, it has been about trying to discredit the special investigator, Robert Mueller, to cause enough elected Republicans to get together and allow him to be fired. Mueller has proven a fair and tough person all his life, but Hannity knows Mueller is getting close, so he reaches for any possible morsel to discredit him.

To get some attention off of Trump, Hannity constantly says that Hillary Clinton was the one who colluded with Russia, and masterminded a deal for Putin to get all our uranium, putting on guests who just make ridiculous claims and accusations. The most ironic one has been how Hillary gets a pass from the establishment, she gets away with everything. I remember the Republicans in the office putting her through years of investigations because of Benghazi. Why? Because Fox News, and especially Sean Hannity kept it going night after night for years about the Benghazi tragedy. While it is clear that Hillary has her flaws, like the rest of us, I do understand that she was a good Senator and a very good Secretary of State. For Fox and Hannity to continually trash her every chance they get is just a strategy to get their flock looking away from the real problems and the real truths. In my opinion, Sean Hannity has taken the role which Joseph Goebbels had as propaganda minister for Hitler. Say a lie enough times, and eventually, the people will believe it. Hannity is one of the biggest threats to democracy right now, and when you see so many Republican congressmen take the bait and try to score points with the Fox audience by discrediting the FBI, and the Mueller investigation, you realize that this democracy just might be in serious trouble. It has been said that Trump gets more information from Fox news than his own intelligence agencies, considered the best in the world. This is lunacy. This is scary. This might be the beginning of the end of the world. It certainly looks like the beginning of the end for America.

So you have a choice. You can sit around and hope other people do enough to stop this very sick and delusional President, or you can get in the game and fight. I know one of my roles is taking on Hannity and exposing him for the dangerous manipulator he poses to be. Enough people in the media are exposing what Trump is doing; it is harder for them to expose what Hannity is doing, so I’m taking on that job. Some of you have the ability to influence others. Look for my article titled “You Cannot Serve Two Masters” on how you can’t be a true Christian and support Trump at the same time. Send this article to a misguided Christian friend or family member. Encourage people to vote for Democrats until things change, until we remove the ones who are obviously putting their interests ahead of the interests of the American people. They need to vote Democrat until this stench is all gone. It might take a few elections, but we need to act now, on this, on climate change, on stopping greed, and on exposing the people trying to mislead us and divide us. I’m asking you to stand up and be heard. Are you with me?