An Open letter to President Donald Trump

Dear President Trump,

First, congratulations on your historic victory in 2016. Yes, you may have received help from Russia and lost the popular vote by millions, but a win is a win. You went from a businessman with lots of bankruptcies and failures, with a very long trail of financial victims, to the person responsible for appointing all of the Cabinet Secretaries including the Treasury and Commerce Secretaries. You went from dodging the Vietnam War with fake bone spurs and saying you know more than the generals and mocking a war hero that actually did go to Vietnam and was tortured, to being the Commander in Chief and appointing all of the military leaders. You went from a man who was known to treat women horribly – including being accused by many women of sexual misconduct, cheating on your new wife with a porn star and Playboy model, crashing beauty pageant dressing rooms, and expressing out loud your sexual attractions to your daughter – to being the person who has the most influence and power over all the women of this country. You went from running scams like Trump University and the Trump Foundation, being known to cheat many contractors and workers out of their pay, and having ties with the mafia and a family history of tax evading to appointing Attorney Generals, CIA and FBI chiefs, and Supreme Court nominees. If you pulled this off without using voodoo, black magic or Satan worshiping, your accomplishments should be considered absolutely amazing and you would deserve the proper recognition.

I’m sorry if some of this sounds a little cold, but what happened in the past is history. Let’s think of the now and the future. I know you don’t like to take the time to prepare – your meetings with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un with almost no preparation are practically legendary – but I am hoping that somehow some magical visionary skills await you. With a little thoughtfulness, compassion, and common sense mixed in just for fun, you could actually do something grand. Yes, Mr. President – with a new attitude and the right people beside you, you could go down as the greatest President who ever lived. I’ll go one step further; you could end up the greatest American that ever lived!

So, how in the world does someone like me – who views you as the most narcissistic person and biggest liar that mankind has ever seen, somebody who shows all the traits of being a dictator with the only exception of not dressing in ridiculous clothes (you dress well in my opinion) and one of the last persons in the country I’d want with our nuclear codes – think you could end up the greatest? It’s easy. The section of our country’s population that isn’t big into facts and equality, or taking care of the poor and our environment, has been manipulated to think irrationally. This has resulted in horrible leaders, damaging laws, and a near total control of our government by business interests. The American people have been thrown off their game, which is why we find our country behind the rest of the world in almost anything good and leading the world in almost anything bad. But hey, they listen to you! Yes, these people who think climate change is a hoax, who think gays, blacks, Muslims, and Mexicans are the ones who pose dangers to this country (when you and me both know it’s the ultra-rich people who just want more) believe in you. They adore you. They love you.

Think about it, Mr. President: you have them in the palm of your hand. These people have had their minds brainwashed so badly that many of them think Barack Obama was the worst president ever, which started when he tried to make sure they all had healthcare, and that democrats that oppose you hate our country. Most of these people are good people, I know some personally. Their own weaknesses – like being easily frightened or easily angered, having racist or homophobic or anti-poor views because anyone different from them is a threat, or feeling moral superiority over pregnant females – have led them to be victims of the system. A system that uses money to control us and keep us divided so the rich can get richer. You know about greed and how low people will stoop for money about as well as anyone on the planet does. You yourself admitted years ago that you greased the wheels and played the system when you could. These groups of people who have been knocked off their game idolize you.

Many have chosen you over their Lord. They have ignored the teachings of Jesus who practically begged believers to take care of the poor and less fortunate, and each other. A Lord who taught to not boast and to strive for integrity and honesty. Instead they have chosen your way over their Lord’s way as lying, bragging and insulting others has become the cornerstone of your presidency. You disobey the law and tell others to also, you believe our most feared enemy in the world over your own intelligence departments – which you chose the leaders of – and you go to great efforts to put more money into the hands of the very rich and cut benefits to the poorest among us. They still support you as you loosen environmental regulations to help energy companies – especially in the coal industry – and pollute our air and water which will make many of us sick in the future. And if you had your way, you would have ended healthcare for millions without having another plan in place, cutting even more taxes on the rich instead. Yes, when you ran for president you said people would have the best healthcare, and that you wouldn’t try to cut Social Security and Medicare – but it’s okay, we see politicians break promises all the time so don’t dwell on it. You still have many farmers believing in you even though you imposed tariffs which resulted in a lot of hardships for them, and even though you do nothing about climate change – is and will be the cause of some serious natural disasters affecting their crops. They all continue to support you.

So, basically, you have the ears of a group that has been a roadblock to real progress in America. What an opportunity! If you said tomorrow that you’ve looked at all the studies from your own departments about climate change and that we need to do something quick-smart, you would have the support of your base and almost everyone on the left. You could get some real changes going – and fast. If Mitch McConnell opposes you, you have the platform to point out to the people all the things he has done for big business at the expense of all the citizens of our country. The list is long, his crimes and damage to the American people are only second to yours. They may finally believe some truths if it comes from your mouth.

Just think what you could do for equality in this country? Instead of telling American born congresswomen to go back to where they came from because they are not white, you could actually start criticizing racism and right wing terrorism for a change, and set examples for everyone, especially our youth. You could make sure that anyone who wanted to go to college or trade school could afford to do so, and that all workers can make a living wage. You could lead the charge to get money out of politics, set term limits, and stop gerrymandering and voter suppression. You could protect our elections from foreign influence. You could put more emphasis on cybersecurity and artificial intelligence and technology, so America can improve and does not fall behind other countries, which is happening right now. You could lead the way in healthcare for all, lifting huge burdens off of many people who cannot afford to get sick or who are already without decent health care. You could help our country deal with our borders in a humane way, and take action to end the causes of the crisis which has put so many families in trouble. You could make our water and air cleaner and show real leadership to help our oceans. You could lead our country and the rest of the world to embrace clean energy and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. You could raise taxes on the rich, cut loopholes, and put more money into the lower classes to help our economy flourish.

You could see to it that no one here ever goes hungry again, that our homeless and veterans are taken care of, and that people would have a right to their own bodies when it comes to pregnancy or dying with dignity. And you could work on our neglected infrastructure and start getting our transportation systems up to the level of other countries – stop catering to the military industrial complex and improve our nation’s security while cutting spending. You can choose to be a hero to the people in this country and this world now, and for all to come later to this Earth. You have that ability; you could make this world a better place in so many ways for so many people if you wanted to. Do you?

I know you and your family do a lot of things legally and illegally to make money. I know this is very important to you. If you become the president that this country desperately needs now, I will lead the way for our country to give you billions of dollars. You would deserve it. If you take this opportunity to show love and compassion to all of us and get the country on the right track, I would even be fine with you serving more than two terms as President. I would be in favor of putting up the biggest monument the world has ever seen in your honor. I would be in favor of renaming Washington DC to Donald Trump DC, I am totally serious. You, Mr. President, could be just what we all need right now. What a miracle it would be. You say you are the greatest at so many things, go out and prove you are the greatest President and the greatest American ever. I am rooting for you Mr. President. And so is the rest of the world.


Marv Morley – founder of Simply Telling It