Are You With Me?

Here is a message for the poor people, the working people, and people of all races and religions and sexual orientations, the elderly and the sick. This is for the families caring for the elderly and the sick also; help is coming. Hang in there! Things are going to change. This is the United States of America, loaded with a lot of good people. We have a lot of troubled and misinformed people, too. Yet, even most of these are pretty good people if you were to know them. But things are going to change. We won’t be a mean country very much longer; the good people here will win. So this is a message to the rest of the world: We are going to be the good guys again. Good things happen to good people, and to good countries. A lot of forces, mostly greed and unchecked capitalism, have thrown us for a loop. But we are addressing that now. The good people here are getting off of the sidelines because their team needs them, the country needs them, and the world needs them. And we’re coming.

So I’m calling on you – yeah – the one reading these words right now. I’m talking to you. You need to get in the game now. I’m calling your number – you’re in, or you’re out. It’s just like we’ve been told for a long time; it’s a choice that you have to make. No one can make it for you, not mommy or daddy, not your friends or your spouse. Like so many things in life, it comes down to a choice. And you have one right now because the clock is ticking toward midnight and we either sit around, watch whatever unfolds, or we get in the game. There are good leaders ready to lead us. We can see who is for the people and who is just helping the rich and the Russians. The Republican Party has lost its soul. It’s now made up of people for sale more than ever before. And maybe, probably, is made up of people who have done bad things and are being blackmailed.

Our government now is made up of people whose aim is to protect and enrich themselves at the citizens’ expense. We are watching Trump suck up to our enemies while alienating our friends and allies. We not only see the Republicans turn a blind eye to this, we see some, like Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan, do everything they can to stop a fair investigation into what Russia actually did to us and who helped them. These actions are treasonous. All of these people will be exposed for what they are doing and why, and the American public will put them in prison and confiscate all the dirty money which they have earned, betraying us. We have seen the Republican Party try to dismantle our health care system without having another one ready to go to. They seem totally fine with kicking millions off of their plans, many who will suffer and die because of it. This same party is now giving away over a trillion dollars to the very rich in this country. This is after all the statistics of how most of all the financial gains since the 2008 crash has gone to the 1%. The very rich don’t need more help, and this help will hurt the rest of us now, and especially later. Our deficit now is off the charts, we are a trillion dollars a year in the red now, thanks to these tax cuts which were called a tax cut but were mostly a big grab by the richest people and corporations in our country.

It was these same Republicans who approved a monster to run our environmental protection agency, and who did not resist when our President pulled out of the Paris climate agreement. And now, the United States is the only country in the world not in that agreement. Climate change is real, and as the storms get bigger and more frequent, you can expect lots of cuts to our schools, to Medicare, to Social Security, because someone is going to have to pay for the cleanup and it won’t be the energy companies or the rich. It will be you and I. The bills will pile up, our air and water will begin to cause more diseases and deaths, and someday, the earth will be uninhabitable by humans. It’s coming, and if you sit back and do nothing about it, if you don’t get out there and start voting and making noise, you will probably regret it. So here you are, and here I am. Are you with me?