
  • An Open letter to President Donald Trump
    Dear President Trump, First, congratulations on your historic victory in 2016. Yes, you may have received help from Russia and lost the popular vote by millions, but a win is a win. You went from a businessman with lots of bankruptcies and failures, with a very long trail of financial victims, to the person responsible for appointing all of the Cabinet Secretaries including the Treasury and Commerce Secretaries. You went… Continue reading An Open letter to President Donald Trump
  • The Fire Is Coming
    Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a wise man. The wise man told his tribe that there was a fire coming. No one paid much attention, even though most people knew he was the smartest one in the village. Smoke could be seen in the distance – the wise man explained that it was from the fire that was on its way. Not only did… Continue reading The Fire Is Coming
  • Could God Be Artificial Intelligence?
    I do a lot of thinking. Like so many others, I have thought a lot about God, or another higher power that we can’t comprehend. While I’m a science kind of person, I realize that science doesn’t know what it doesn’t know. What we have learned and accomplished in the last 150 years is remarkable. What we may accomplish in the next 150 years might be even more amazing. I… Continue reading Could God Be Artificial Intelligence?
  • Holy Smokes, I’m A Feminist!
    If I was told I would consider myself a feminist someday I wouldn’t have believed it. A feminist?! Why on earth would I want women to be treated better than myself or any other man? And aren’t only women feminists? Don’t feminists think women are superior to men? Aren’t some of them man-haters? Or prefer that men aren’t even part of society at all. But like so many others, I… Continue reading Holy Smokes, I’m A Feminist!
  • The Real Cost Of Being Pro-Life
    Perhaps the biggest reason our country is going in the wrong direction today is of the abortion issue. Many people vote for Republicans because of their strong desire to see abortion become illegal in this country. The 99% is clearly voting against their own best interests when they vote for Republicans today. People no longer vote Republican because of national debt: the deficit is now bigger than ever. They can’t… Continue reading The Real Cost Of Being Pro-Life
  • Is Greed A Sickness?
    Greed is a sickness; that’s just what it is. Some people just get addicted to money. From the lower class to the upper class and everyone in between, there are a lot of people that care more about money than anything else. Sure, these desires do often lead to great inventions or discoveries and such, but usually an addiction to anything is not good for the soul. So, while I… Continue reading Is Greed A Sickness?
  • The Abortion Debate
    Now this is a tough one. I, myself, have been on both sides of the debate and everywhere in between. But one thing I have always believed is that if both sides can come together, we might not be able to end abortions but we could minimize them. So much thought, so much action, and so much money has gone into the battle; if only both sides had worked together… Continue reading The Abortion Debate
  • Why Socialism Isn’t A Dirty Word
    Socialism: in America, it’s kind of like Voldemort. A bad thing that we don’t talk about; a word that shall not be named. But why? Socialism doesn’t really deserve its bad rap here – most of the negative connotations come from a fundamental misunderstanding of what socialism actually is. And social democracy – employed by those Nordic countries always topping happiness lists – is something that we could greatly benefit… Continue reading Why Socialism Isn’t A Dirty Word
  • Climate Change For Dummies
    You probably hear about climate change all the time, or global warming as it’s sometimes called. But do you actually know what it is and why it’s important? The Earth and its climate are always changing. 10,000 years ago, Lake Champlain – the freshwater lake between New York state and Vermont – was under a mile of ice. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels change naturally over time; that’s completely normal. But… Continue reading Climate Change For Dummies
  • What Even Is Equality – And How Does It Work?
    Equality is, literally, the state of being equal – people of different genders, races, and abilities on par with one another. Equality means that everybody has the same opportunities, no matter what they look like or where they come from, so people aren’t treated differently because they’re black, or female, or disabled, or overweight. In the United States, equality has not been achieved – not even close. Equality is a… Continue reading What Even Is Equality – And How Does It Work?
  • The Battle Between Good And Evil
    I guess it was during the days where I started paying attention to the Bible and reading books that I became aware of some future war. Someday, there was going to be a war between the people on Earth. It was framed as a war between Christians and non-Christians, and of course the Christians were the righteous ones. This was going to happen. It sounded like weird stuff to me.… Continue reading The Battle Between Good And Evil
  • The Differences Of Opinion
    Here we are, in a time and place with the most division in our country since the Civil War and, maybe even more than then. Two sides, constantly battling it out – spinning our wheels and sinking deeper and deeper all the time. One side, which happens to be my side, has all the facts and stats and science but just has no clue how to win. Why would we?… Continue reading The Differences Of Opinion
  • You Cannot Serve Two Masters
    I understand what Jesus was teaching. While I’m not a fan of all the things that went into trying to build a convincing religion, it is very clear what was important to him. He spoke about helping the poor and the less fortunate often. He spoke about the dangers of money often. His warnings today are ignored more from those Christians who support a truly horrible President, than from people… Continue reading You Cannot Serve Two Masters
  • Is Trump The Savior Or The Anti-Christ?
    OK, the title is a little misleading. It’s not really something I question. The part about being our savior that is. I know that isn’t true. But the Anti-Christ? That might be a little bit of a stretch, or might not be. Right now, he probably has in his hands the power to end humanity. Maybe some animals or fish somewhere can survive a nuclear holocaust, but we will be… Continue reading Is Trump The Savior Or The Anti-Christ?
  • Calling Out Mr. Mega Rich Person
    I am calling out you, Mr. Mega Rich Person. I respect the work you’ve put in to achieve a monumental amount of money in your life. I understand the itch to be the best, have the most, or be above everyone else in something. We all have that built in us at least a little. I know I do, I’d love to go down as the best thinker of all… Continue reading Calling Out Mr. Mega Rich Person
  • Are You With Me?
    Here is a message for the poor people, the working people, and people of all races and religions and sexual orientations, the elderly and the sick. This is for the families caring for the elderly and the sick also; help is coming. Hang in there! Things are going to change. This is the United States of America, loaded with a lot of good people. We have a lot of troubled… Continue reading Are You With Me?
  • Men Are Dogs – Can We Change?
    It is becoming more and more obvious with every new scandal that hits the news – men do not do a very good job of controlling themselves sexually. Many do; many are able to get through life just fine without ruining their lives and the lives of others with bad decisions regarding sex. But it can be tough. We have built in biological compulsions that served the development of our… Continue reading Men Are Dogs – Can We Change?
  • Difficult Times In Our Nation
    We have been purposely divided so the ruling class can easily maintain its power. People have been manipulated into hating one another – and our collective enemy jumped at the opportunity to spread hatred and confusion in our country. We are in trouble, no doubt about it. One of my original goals for this website was to unite people – to get people to come together on at least the… Continue reading Difficult Times In Our Nation
  • Is There A God?
    First of all, I want it to be very clear that all are invited to enjoy this site. Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Christians, atheists, all people that strive for love and goodness. Yes, every religion has its faults, and atheism can leave a little emptiness, we’re all just here just trying to make enough sense of things to carry on. To the science minded people like myself, I suggest finding… Continue reading Is There A God?
  • What Has Putin Done With His Money?
    Where on Earth did Putin get enough money to have so much influence on our government? Easy: the 2014 Winter Olympics held in Sochi, Russia. These winter games had a final price tag of over $50 billion – more than four times what was estimated (which itself was supposedly on the high side). It has been alleged that at least half of that cash went into kickbacks and embezzlement: over… Continue reading What Has Putin Done With His Money?
  • Shame On The United States
    Shame on the United States: we elected a monster. And this isn’t just my opinion. The day I’m writing this, Trump is trying to make it easy for states to eliminate the pre-existing condition clause for insurance coverage, even though he promised we’d all have better healthcare. He lies. And not just a little: Trump has already told thousands of lies since becoming president. He’s made a lot of empty… Continue reading Shame On The United States
  • Letter To The Rich Kids
    Hello, this is not a hate filled letter to you. Instead it is one that is thinking of what is best for both you and me. You have probably heard many times it is better to give than receive and all of that, things which are actually true, but I understand the environment you were probably raised in. It must sound kind of absurd to hear that, considering you may… Continue reading Letter To The Rich Kids
  • Is Mother Nature Punishing Us?
    Is Mother Nature punishing us? I suppose you could look at it that way. Maybe she’s fighting back, maybe it’s punishment – maybe this is just what happens when you trash the Earth. I think the universe is set up to be that way: be good and good results will usually follow. Do bad things and you’ll pay sooner or later. We need to treat this world better, now. We… Continue reading Is Mother Nature Punishing Us?
  • Mind Control
    If you are an adult and you are being told or encouraged to not listen to someone, or told to avoid certain newspapers or TV news shows; that you can only believe “us”; you are being manipulated. Many avoid listening to anyone else with a different opinion for many reasons, but this is self-inflicted ignorance. Don’t let others dumb you down and don’t keep yourself in the dark. If you… Continue reading Mind Control
  • Feeling Dumb
    This is an article based on personal experiences. It is not meant to complain, or brag, or trash people. It is meant to enlighten those who could use help – and we all need help. I understand why so many people are lost today. There are so many influences on us to get us to buy something, to like someone, to hate someone, to hate a group, to get you… Continue reading Feeling Dumb
  • Carry Good Baggage
    Your life is, of course, made up of what happens to you and the actions you take. But when it comes down to it, life is basically only your thoughts. It’s just you in there. It’s all about how you react to life. No one else shares your brain, it is only you. You come into this world by yourself; you’re leaving by yourself too. Your journey can be a… Continue reading Carry Good Baggage