Letter To The Rich Kids

Hello, this is not a hate filled letter to you. Instead it is one that is thinking of what is best for both you and me. You have probably heard many times it is better to give than receive and all of that, things which are actually true, but I understand the environment you were… Continue reading Letter To The Rich Kids

Mind Control

If you are an adult and you are being told or encouraged to not listen to someone, or told to avoid certain newspapers or TV news shows; that you can only believe “us”; you are being manipulated. Many avoid listening to anyone else with a different opinion for many reasons, but this is self-inflicted ignorance.… Continue reading Mind Control

Feeling Dumb

This is an article based on personal experiences. It is not meant to complain, or brag, or trash people. It is meant to enlighten those who could use help – and we all need help. I understand why so many people are lost today. There are so many influences on us to get us to… Continue reading Feeling Dumb

Carry Good Baggage

Your life is, of course, made up of what happens to you and the actions you take. But when it comes down to it, life is basically only your thoughts. It’s just you in there. It’s all about how you react to life. No one else shares your brain, it is only you. You come… Continue reading Carry Good Baggage