Calling Out Mr. Mega Rich Person

I am calling out you, Mr. Mega Rich Person. I respect the work you’ve put in to achieve a monumental amount of money in your life. I understand the itch to be the best, have the most, or be above everyone else in something. We all have that built in us at least a little. I know I do, I’d love to go down as the best thinker of all time. So I understand if someone wants to be the best basketball player, or be the best auto mechanic, or be the richest man alive. I get that. Many people would love to have billions of dollars, and would probably still want more.

Money is quite the thing. What drives people, great achievements, and great disasters is the love of money – it’s the way things are now and probably for a long time to come. Money is an addiction like no other. Most other addictions end in a really bad way if not handled. But money isn’t like that: you can keep on making more and more and there is nothing out there to stop you. No laws, no moral codes, not much shame unless you get caught doing something shady. Some say, like me, that the love of money is a sickness – an out of control addiction – and with some people I have no doubt that is true. It’s a fix; you think having more will give you the happiness you have been craving. We know it’s an illusion; you will never be truly happy on this path.

This is not an ordinary time. Our environment is now in deep trouble because of greed. Our democracy, our middle class, and the health of millions of people are all in jeopardy because of selfishness. You are a huge force to overcome. After all, you can just about buy anything – but not integrity, peace of mind, or happiness. Those are all in your reach. You know the things that need to be done, and not done. You have a choice, and I would bet my soul that most of you would be so much happier in life if you stepped up now. But don’t do it for yourself. Do it for your children, and their children. Be a positive force on this earth. You have within your reach the ability to do something magical. To help people in need, people that weren’t born as lucky as you perhaps, or as smart as you, or with the drive you have. We are all just human, we all have issues. You don’t need everything. The balloon is about to bust, you need to start letting some air out. You are at a pivotal time in the world’s history and there is no kicking the can down the road any longer. How do you want to be remembered? For stepping up, or for trying to grab more?