Knockin’ on Prison’s Door

Got a message for the G.O.P.
We can’t trust you anymore
It’s getting clear too clear we see
Looks like you’re knockin’ on prison’s door

Knock-knock-knockin’ on prison’s door
Hey hey hey hey yeah
Givin’ to the rich, takin’ from the poor
The Russian money you hide offshore
The crimes on the people we can’t ignore, oh yeah
Oh oh yeah – oh yeah

Hope for climate, you ran in the ground
We can’t take this anymore
That hot black cloud is comin’ down
Feels like you’re knockin’ on prison’s door

Knock-knock-knockin’ on prison’s door
Hey hey hey hey hey
Taking bribes like never before
Trials and shame is what’s in store
You have so much to answer for

You just better start getting your affairs in order Mitch and Devin and the rest of you sell outs – showing off your tattered souls – Man and it wouldn’t be luck if you could get out of jail alive

Knock-knock-knockin’ on prison’s door
Hey hey hey hey hey
Trumped-up chaos from shore to shore
Hate and lies are what you stand for
Letting your leader torment us more
As you betray the oaths you swore
You selfish cowards we can’t ignore
While you push us to civil war
No no no no
Knock-knock-knockin’ on prison’s door

Your boss wants to be a dictator
He’s not leaving easy and that’s for sure
He’d rather start the third world war
Knock-knock-knockin’ on prison’s door, oh oh yeah