Letter To The Rich Kids

Hello, this is not a hate filled letter to you. Instead it is one that is thinking of what is best for both you and me. You have probably heard many times it is better to give than receive and all of that, things which are actually true, but I understand the environment you were probably raised in. It must sound kind of absurd to hear that, considering you may have been raised to think that wealth is what matters most, and that everything good in your life will come from this. You watch your father chase these golden dreams, untold riches, even some fame and power at times. He’s brave, he’s successful, and that means something to you. It’s important that you carry the on the family legacy, and that you glide through the pathways that he’s worked so hard to create. Some of us get it, we understand a little. But we also understand that somewhere deep inside your soul, you know something is terribly wrong. You have seen the damage that pure greed can actually do. I understand that your contact with poorer people and less educated people has been limited in your life. You have been taught that these lesser people are almost animalistic, less worthy and even less deserving that yourself. But that’s what you have been conditioned to think. Of course, every parent wants to believe that their child is the child, and your parents are no different. This letter is to not to scold you or try to tell you that you are some kind of bad person because you are rich, and don’t know any other way.

Almost all of us would be feeling the same exact way as yourself, perhaps a few of us would feel more entitled, a few of us less, but either way you have nothing to be ashamed of. Even if you know a lot of the family money came in through some very dirty ways, it isn’t your fault. So here you are, getting prepared to take over in a decade or two. Or even sooner. I don’t know if there is a God, or a higher power, or something inside us that will judge us someday. Probably not, but no one really knows. Let’s say there’s not. It’s you, only you, that thing in your brain that is whatever you are. You only have yourself to answer to. So, what do you do? You see that climate change is real. That greed is speeding up the demise of the world. You see the politicians acting ridiculously knowing they are just taking some money to do it, sometimes family money. You see how the time has been ripe this last year for your family and other families like yours to gain even more wealth. The irony of all the poor and struggling people fighting for you to get even richer when they vote Republican. More numbers in the account, numbers that you could never spend in 5 lifetimes, but if it that’s easy to get, why not. But you know something just isn’t quite right with this. Why say anything, why do anything? Its okay, most wouldn’t. Most of the people pointing their fingers at your class would behave in the same way. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

So here you are. You know that there will be even more suffering. Whether they are humans or animals, suffering isn’t cool. It sucks to be in pain. It really sucks to go hungry. In our own country people are going hungry all the time. Children are going hungry, and not getting a decent education in many places, and basically never getting a real chance. Besides the truly poor countries, people in our own country are suffering. And they will be suffering more. Deep down you know this. You know there is suffering, and you know that the world is headed to extinction. This time the end really is near. However, there is still money on the branch to grab. The forces that you are familiar with want more money, at any cost. It’s a game to them. Actually, it’s a sickness. It’s an addiction. You understand that. You see how big business is calling all the shots. It will be your job to step in someday to call the shots. You know you won’t be alone, your side has the really smart people, it has figured out how to manipulate enough people to do what it wants to do. Christians were the easiest. The majority of them are on your side, helping you. You know that is the opposite of what Jesus taught, but somehow, they have forged a new path. A path that leads right to your door. The ball is on a tee for you now. Do you smack it? Most would. You probably will. But just maybe, just maybe you will see that the super rich won’t get too many jollies in a world that is destroying itself, and a country that is also destroying itself. Lots of misery is ahead, for the people, all people, including the wealthy ones.

By the way, you should actually give some money away, not to some charity for the tax write off, but to someone or some place actually in need. To save a little girl’s life. To help a music department keep its doors open so some kids can play and dream. To build a playground in a place where the kids have nowhere to go. You have no idea how you will feel to see first hand what happiness and joy a little of your money can bring. Just take a little and try it. See if its worth it to you. If you get a kick out of it, do some more. If it brings you joy, what a great thing that can be. We can all bring some joy to others, it doesn’t matter your status. Be a giver, not a taker. You don’t have to be like your parents, or grandparents. You can actually be happy. You can escape that life. You know you need to. Now it just takes some guts. I hope you find those guts. I hope you forge a new path. It might not be easy. Maybe it starts with talking with your parents. They probably love the crap out of you. They might listen. I wish you happiness. And guts.