Shame On The United States

Shame on the United States: we elected a monster. And this isn’t just my opinion. The day I’m writing this, Trump is trying to make it easy for states to eliminate the pre-existing condition clause for insurance coverage, even though he promised we’d all have better healthcare. He lies. And not just a little: Trump has already told thousands of lies since becoming president. He’s made a lot of empty promises but I hear all the time from the right how he is doing great things and keeping his word…

The corporate tax break was not a good thing for the people. Actually, it was an absolutely horrible thing – all of that money that was given to the very rich came out of our pockets, plain and simple. Cutting regulations is generally not a good thing either; regulations are there for a reason. In many areas, regulations should be cut – but not when it comes to our health, especially in this country where we already spend the most to get the least. Click here. And appointing Neil Gorsuch or Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court is nothing to brag about either.

The Republican party is full of selfish, lying, manipulating sell-outs. If you don’t believe me, look at the people they approved for Trump’s cabinet. Look how quickly they rushed a big tax break for the rich through before the Congressional Budget Office could communicate all the implications. The Republicans tried to end the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) before having another plan in place, totally content that millions would lose coverage. These aren’t opinions: if someone is stealing your money, they are a thief. I’m not happy about a lot of Democrats in office or all the things they have done either – but they don’t even come close to comparing with Republicans trying to stop the Russia investigation.

My biggest complaint about Democrats today is that they stay fairly silent when mind-blowingly terrible things are done by the ruling party. Republicans know how to fight and the right-wing media knows how to fight too. For two and a half years, the right-wing media and Republicans put Hillary Clinton through the wringer for the events of Benghazi. Just as they tried to discredit Obama for the smallest of things, these people have made making mountains out of molehills their shtick. The right side does whatever it takes to win: lying and exaggerating, scare tactics and alternative facts, they fight dirty – and we don’t do enough to stop them.

When I say the left needs to fight, I’m not talking about doing what the right does. I’m talking about standing up to the lies, making noise about the wrongs, calling for no more mountains out of molehills. Because the good people who care about true democracy are currently losing now to the very rich, very powerful, and very aggressive in this country. Our government is just one big cesspool of greedy selfish people, led by the worst human being I’ve seen in my lifetime. If Trump was the president of a country with fewer checks and balances, I have no doubt he’d be worse than any of the dictators currently in power. People that are solid citizens otherwise have been mesmerized, led to believe and worship this evil leader. The good people who care about fairness and equality, and peace and love have not done enough. We’ve been sitting on our hands too long and this is what we get. Shame on us.

So, here we are. Are you going to sit around and complain, or are you going to get in the game? It’s time to fight. Do something, anything – we need you. Are you with me?