The Differences Of Opinion

Here we are, in a time and place with the most division in our country since the Civil War and, maybe even more than then. Two sides, constantly battling it out – spinning our wheels and sinking deeper and deeper all the time. One side, which happens to be my side, has all the facts and stats and science but just has no clue how to win. Why would we? We are not the fighters. We are made up of scientists, professors, and intellectuals, and many others who truly understand and care about what is actually happening today. Our side does not stick together enough; we don’t get too upset and make a mountain out of a mole-hill like the other side. We can’t even make a mountain from a mountain as this past year has shown. The other side, they are made up of law and order people, people that respect authority, people that protect their tribe, that look at all others with suspicion. That side sticks together; they are people that don’t want to desert their tribe. They have real loyalty, real respect for flags and documents of law, and authority from the God most of them believe in. These things were needed once, we needed to stick together and be suspicious of others, and have some rules and respect. We survived first as humans because of this and, later, America survived because of this. A lot of things are just built in us, and some of us are driven by that over facts and statistics. We are lucky these traits existed, and lived in our ancestors for us to be here now. Some of these traits are not needed as much now, as we have learned that we can actually prosper as a country with diversity, that we can actually learn new customs, recipes, and ways of thinking from other people that don’t look like us. We know there are good and bad in every race and religion.

We don’t have to respect bad authority – our ancestors in the 1700’s didn’t, and these same people were able to pull off a pretty good start for our country. There are many who think our country is the only one that matters, that desperate people trying to survive are criminals for trying to come here. I wish these people could live a day in their shoes. The Jesus most of them believe in taught us over and over to be compassionate, to love your neighbor, to not judge, to not be enticed by money, and to be weary of the wealthy people. When are the true Christians going to speak up and separate themselves from these fake Christians? Many people who consider themselves Christian do not like anyone other than white people, who think that standing up for a symbol (the flag) is more important than standing up against Russia, that think that our country is the best and support spending ungodly amounts of money on our military while the rest of the country crumbles. I love my country too. I have a little of that in me. I can not root against an American in the Olympics almost no matter what. I also believe in a strong military, but a good defense today means we need to protect ourselves against cyber-attacks and to not fall behind in technology to other countries.

I look at Europe and Asia blowing by us, because too many of us just don’t understand that we can do things better here. They learned from us and took it to new levels, while we sink in just about all the important categories yet still feel any other way than this American way is just not good enough. So we get farther and farther behind. At a time in which we are so divided and see one group collecting all the spoils: the one percent. They are swooping in and taking as much as they can fit in their pockets, even though they have more than enough money for 10, or 100, or even 1000 lifetimes. It doesn’t matter, they want more and they will get it because we fight between ourselves. The right side is constantly told how evil and America-hating liberals are. There are books written with how liberals are evil in the title. But Jesus was a liberal. You can’t argue with that. Helping the poor and disadvantaged, caring about the Earth and everything on it, wanting fairness and a chance for all is liberal. And, of course, being against the very rich getting it all.

If trying to help the poor and innocent, animals and the Earth, and wanting to spread enlightenment and joy is being an ungodly evil liberal, then no offense but your God really sucks. Sometimes people use the Bible or certain key phrases from it as an excuse. People used the Bible to justify slavery, to go to war, and to kill people who stood up to them. They use it to hate gay people. Watch Fox News, and you’ll see constant attacks on the mainstream media, any powerful person on the left side (even politicians no longer in the game), and of course anyone who is a threat to the beloved president. I watched during the Obama years and Obama could do no right. I meet people all the time that say Obama was the worst president ever and that think Trump is the one on their side. That’s a whole different conversation. But the right side needs an enemy, someone to point at and say “there’s the devil, over there!” It’s working, they have convinced just enough people to believe in nonsense and to feel enough hatred and fear towards those on the other side to motivate them to vote and support horrible people who clearly are out to help their financial backers and not the general population of this country. In 2016, we heard Bernie Sanders say over and over that 70% of all new wealth from the crash in 2008 has gone to the top 1%. An article came out recently that 82% of the wealth went to the top 1% in 2017. And this was before the effects of the new tax bill, which will move at least another trillion dollars into their pockets. The vultures are just picking us apart right now, and until we can find some common ground and put up some kind of a fight, we’re done.

I read George Orwell’s book “1984” during the Reagan years and it was a wake-up call. Little by little it is happening. The government may be recording everything we do or say, able to be pulled up when needed. Big telecommunication companies can control the internet someday; the foundation is going up right now. They will have total control when the effects of climate change bankrupt our country. The people will protest and rebel. The richest people and the biggest corporations are writing our laws, influencing our politicians – even putting politicians in power. When you see so many politicians vote for really bad things that will only hurt the majority of people that elected them, you have to step back and regroup and fight for survival. It might be too late, their grip is now stronger than ever. They know how to influence people, what traits some people have that they can manipulate to their advantage. There are good people on both sides; we must realize this. If you listen to someone who constantly bashes a group of people for being evil or spreading fake news or not loving God or not loving America, you are being manipulated. That side is always telling its base that the left wants open borders, or wants to take away their guns or raise their taxes, whatever it takes to win. This website will attempt to expose those who spew hatred, fear and lies to control unsuspecting people. We can come together, but it won’t happen until more people realize they are the victims of these mind control attempts by the ones who have the real power in this country. If you care about the climate, the 99%, and our democracy, the time is now to stand up and fight. Are you with me?