You Cannot Serve Two Masters

I understand what Jesus was teaching. While I’m not a fan of all the things that went into trying to build a convincing religion, it is very clear what was important to him. He spoke about helping the poor and the less fortunate often. He spoke about the dangers of money often. His warnings today are ignored more from those Christians who support a truly horrible President, than from people who aren’t religious at all. Jesus lovers should love Jesus, not Donald Trump, and when they contradict, which is almost every time that Trump says or does something, they should side with Jesus. But no, they side with Trump, excusing all the lies and venom that escape this truly evil man. A man who has lied thousands of times, who treats those who do not pat him on the back like dirt, a man who is a sexual predator and the most egotistical person perhaps ever born, a man that should not be trusted one bit. A man who will destroy any person or institution that gets in his way.

*This is a man who ordered children to be taken away from their mothers at the border. *This is a man hurting our environment at a pivotal time in our history. *This is a man giving fuel to division and hatred in this country and blaming everyone else like the media, which he calls the enemy of the people. *This is a man who promised health care for all but is instead trying to take it away.

*This is a man who gave over a trillion dollars to the very rich and now wants to cut all of our safety nets.

If you support Donald Trump and call yourself a Christian, you are a lying to yourself, and your Lord. To wave your Bible like you are righteous, as your leader lies and divides more than anyone this country has ever seen, is shameful. To wave your flag like you love this country, as you turn your back on how Trump not only worked with Russia to get elected but how he has trashed all those doing their jobs in investigating Russia means you are a traitor enabler. Actually, you are a big disappointment as an American to be totally honest. Seriously, to look the other way as our enemy, led by a very scary ruthless leader, worked with Trump’s team to get him elected is pretty un-American to me. You do know that favors were expected, with some delivered already, don’t you? And unless you change your ways, and there really are a heaven and a hell, I personally don’t like your chances. Especially all of you who have been holding your head up high, looking down on others as you so think you are going to heaven and they aren’t. You need to wake up; you need to start reading the New Testament, you need to block out all the noise except the noise Jesus made a long time ago to help the people. He gave a lot of good advice. You need to start taking it. Here is just a little of what Jesus taught. Listen. Learn. It’s your soul; it may be your eternity.

1 John 3:17-18

But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

Jesus said, “Help those in need.” You should show your love with your actions, not your words. Donald Trump attacks the weak and the desperate. His attacks on immigrants over and over are by the use of hate and scare tactics. He is using these poor souls as his political tool to rile up his base as he spits in the face of the desperate. Separating families at the border is something that should not ever happen in this country. We aren’t heartless like that, never used to be anyway. And the ones leading the charge against any Syrian or Mexican or Central American person, including poor children in real trouble, are today’s Christians, or at least those professing to be Christians. No reasonable person wants open borders, another fear tactic. However, helping desperate people in need should happen naturally for a real Christian.

Matthew 9:36

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

If you lack compassion for the desperate, like the desperate people fleeing their country, looking for some kind of lifeline, you are no Christian. Stop fooling yourself! To be fine with all the money going to the top while more poor people suffer inside and outside our country will not be looked upon kindly by your Lord. You just might be going to the place you really feared unless you started reading the words of Jesus. Saying “I believe” just doesn’t cut it, pal! You have to back it up with action.

Matthew 6:3-4

But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Jesus spoke about doing a good thing, and not to boast about it because then, it just becomes a public relations move, and there is no true goodness in that. And if you do good things without expecting anything, your reward will be there, in some form or another.

Matthew 6:24

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Mark 10:25

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

Hebrews 13:5

Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Jesus is talking about how you should be careful about what you desire, and about the ones that you now side with, the rich people. The rich people in this country manipulate things to make even more money, taking away from the rest of us. Regrettably, many Christians today facilitate that effort. They vote for the people that help the rich and big industries at the expense of all of the living things on earth. Putting more toxins in our food, water, and air is evil. Allowing the world to keep getting warmer with what we know about science and climate change today is evil. There is money to be made in all sorts of ways that hurt us; however, too many Christians are fine with that. The rich and powerful are finding it too easy to manipulate the minds of Christians today. It is spiritual weakness, to ignore both the true teachings of Jesus and the realities of what is happening today.

1 Timothy 6:9

But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

You see people gamble away their paychecks, even doing illegal things to make some easy money. You basically see people in all classes sell their souls to make a buck. But the desires of the very rich that have a sickness and just can’t help themselves wanting more are what causes many of the problems facing all living things today. Greed destroys! We will see more storms, more fires, more deaths, and destruction because we have continued to ignore the needs of our environment now. We see the denial of “health care for all” because of the profit motive. We are breathing in and consuming more toxins today because of greed, and very corrupt leadership that is doing the opposite of protecting us for their own selfish gains.

Matthew 25:35

For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.

Treat others as you would wish to be treated if you were in their shoes. No one should tell you that, because it should be a no-brainer for anyone, especially those who claim they love Jesus. Show compassion to the less fortunate. Stop judging them! Stop playing inappropriate blame games and finding excuses to turn your back on those who need just a drop of your help. Do not hide from the truth. Everyone deserves a chance!

Ephesians 4:32

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

You should be kind to everyone, everyone! He is not saying to let yourself be taken advantage of. Some people need to be in prison, they need to pay for their crimes, but for the rest of the people out there just trying to make it in life, be kind. Yes, it’s hard for some of you trusting others that look or act differently from the way you do, but that is no reason to root for and participate in their demise.

Galatians 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Help one another. Plain and simple. Looking for reasons to turn your back on those in need is wrong. Someday, you may be in such an ugly position. Perhaps your eternity will consist of begging for a break. Maybe begging for a break from the pain. It’s possible this is your test. How do you act when someone is begging for a break? Yet you want a higher power to have mercy on you? There will be no mercy for the merciless.

Matthew 7:1-2

Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Until you walk in someone else’s shoes, until you know what they may have been through or are going through now, you should try your best to not judge them. We all make mistakes, and we all do things that may look questionable to others who do not know the facts of the particular circumstance.

Here is just a short list of the things your President has done so far: *Choosing Scott Pruitt to run the Environmental Protection Agency. Read the name – ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION – an agency set up to protect our environment, our air, and our water. And an energy industry lover was chosen to head it, and he has proved what kind of choice that was. Any Republican senator who voted to confirm him should be punished. *Praising the worst people in the world, and having a secret meeting with Putin that even our own intelligence and defense teams don’t know what was agreed on. Trump also said, in front of the world, that he believed Putin over all of our intelligence departments about Russia interfering with our 2016 election. Trump has not addressed this problem properly, and neither have other elected Republicans done so, because this interference helps them. *Separating children from their parents at our borders, even punishing some families that were legally asking for asylum. *Pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement. The United States has done more to pollute the world than any other country, we need to be the leaders in fixing this mess, but instead, we turn and run the other way. Helping the coal industry while hurting the solar panel industry is criminal because of what we know about climate change. *Not turning over his tax returns. It is obvious why he hides them, he has been working with Russians for a long time to stay in business, and he also isn’t as rich as he claims. *Speaking of Russia, there is a lot of monkey business going on between them and Trump’s team. There have been meetings going on all over, which many of Trump’s people have continued to lie about. Why the meetings, and why the lies? There is a lot of evidence that points to Trump and Russia working together, yet right now we have Trump and many other Republicans trying to stop those investigations. Hmmm, I wonder why! *5000 lies and misleading statements. No, it’s not a typo, IT’S FIVE THOUSAND! *He can’t even condemn the KKK or Nazis. He says those are good people too. *He has trashed NATO, insulted and put tariffs on our closest friends and allies and seems to be doing exactly what Vladimir Putin wants him to do. *Our State Department was decimated under Rex Tillerson, another suspect cabinet choice of Trump’s. You remember Tillerson, the ex-CEO of Exxon Mobil, who was awarded the “Order of Friendship” by Putin? And you know who Exxon Mobil is? They were the company which knew in the 1980s the effects of their product on the environment after serious studies by their own scientists, and promptly went out and spent millions to confuse Americans. Are you a confused American? Do you think that man is not capable of destroying our earth? We’re doing it right now, and God is not coming in to save the day. We have to do it! *Trump and the other Republicans in the office decided to give the richest 1% over a trillion dollars, money that will be coming from you and me. They also cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% all at once. The Republicans are now talking about cutting programs that Americans paid into separately, like Social Security and Medicare. *Trying to end affordable health care for Americans without another plan in place. We will be getting sicker with the cuts in regulations, and then many will be without health care to fight their sicknesses. Sounds like an evil move to me.

This is just a short list, there will be another list in a future article, and that list will be long.

If you support the things Donald Trump has done and said he would do, and you call yourself a Christian, then you need a serious Jesus re-adjustment. You are not alone, the power of evil people is strong, and they know how to play you. Don’t listen to me, don’t listen to them. If you want to be a true Christian, then listen to the words of your Lord. I wish you the best; I hope you soon find yourself on a more righteous path, and you become a truly giving and caring person, and that your journey does end in heaven.