Here we are, in a time and place with the most division in our country since the Civil War and, maybe even more than then. Two sides, constantly battling it out – spinning our wheels and sinking deeper and deeper all the time. One side, which happens to be my side, has all the facts… Continue reading The Differences Of Opinion
Author: mmorley
You Cannot Serve Two Masters
I understand what Jesus was teaching. While I’m not a fan of all the things that went into trying to build a convincing religion, it is very clear what was important to him. He spoke about helping the poor and the less fortunate often. He spoke about the dangers of money often. His warnings today… Continue reading You Cannot Serve Two Masters
Is Trump The Savior Or The Anti-Christ?
OK, the title is a little misleading. It’s not really something I question. The part about being our savior that is. I know that isn’t true. But the Anti-Christ? That might be a little bit of a stretch, or might not be. Right now, he probably has in his hands the power to end humanity.… Continue reading Is Trump The Savior Or The Anti-Christ?
Calling Out Mr. Mega Rich Person
I am calling out you, Mr. Mega Rich Person. I respect the work you’ve put in to achieve a monumental amount of money in your life. I understand the itch to be the best, have the most, or be above everyone else in something. We all have that built in us at least a little.… Continue reading Calling Out Mr. Mega Rich Person
Are You With Me?
Here is a message for the poor people, the working people, and people of all races and religions and sexual orientations, the elderly and the sick. This is for the families caring for the elderly and the sick also; help is coming. Hang in there! Things are going to change. This is the United States… Continue reading Are You With Me?
Men Are Dogs – Can We Change?
It is becoming more and more obvious with every new scandal that hits the news – men do not do a very good job of controlling themselves sexually. Many do; many are able to get through life just fine without ruining their lives and the lives of others with bad decisions regarding sex. But it… Continue reading Men Are Dogs – Can We Change?
Difficult Times In Our Nation
We have been purposely divided so the ruling class can easily maintain its power. People have been manipulated into hating one another – and our collective enemy jumped at the opportunity to spread hatred and confusion in our country. We are in trouble, no doubt about it. One of my original goals for this website… Continue reading Difficult Times In Our Nation
Is There A God?
First of all, I want it to be very clear that all are invited to enjoy this site. Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Christians, atheists, all people that strive for love and goodness. Yes, every religion has its faults, and atheism can leave a little emptiness, we’re all just here just trying to make enough sense… Continue reading Is There A God?
What Has Putin Done With His Money?
Where on Earth did Putin get enough money to have so much influence on our government? Easy: the 2014 Winter Olympics held in Sochi, Russia. These winter games had a final price tag of over $50 billion – more than four times what was estimated (which itself was supposedly on the high side). It has… Continue reading What Has Putin Done With His Money?
Shame On The United States
Shame on the United States: we elected a monster. And this isn’t just my opinion. The day I’m writing this, Trump is trying to make it easy for states to eliminate the pre-existing condition clause for insurance coverage, even though he promised we’d all have better healthcare. He lies. And not just a little: Trump… Continue reading Shame On The United States